(Ambaum and Barnes, Monday, April 16, 2012)
“As a student, you will be both using other’s knowledge as well as your own insights to create new scholarship. To do this in a way that meets academic integrity standards, you must acknowledge the part of your work that develops from others’ efforts. You do this by citing the work of others. You plagiarize when you fail to acknowledge the work of others and do not follow appropriate citation guidelines.” (The Ohio State University Libraries, 2015)
After completing this module, you will be able to:
Plagiarism is using someone else’s words or ideas as though they were your own, and not giving that person credit. The expression of original ideas is considered "intellectual property." To use that property without crediting the author or creator can be a serious offense in both educational and professional environments.
(Vossler, 2016)
Plagiarism can be intentional or unintentional; both are wrong. Intentional plagiarism is when you knowingly use someone else's work and present it as your own.
Students who take incomplete notes, do not understand the research process, or who are generally uninformed about the correct way to gather and cite sources could potentially commit unintentional or accidental plagiarism.
To avoid plagiarism, scholars take accurate notes when gathering original material, use citations in the text of their paper, and create an accurate works cited list/bibliography at the end of their paper.
Citations are the basic, pertinent information needed to find the full text of a publication, usually the author name, title of book or journal, date and place of publication.
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The two most common citation styles are MLA (Modern Language Association, used in humanities) and APA (American Psychological Association, used in sciences).
All citation styles will include the following information:
You should provide a citation whenever your writing is based on someone else's work. For example:
Summary: When you provide a brief version of what you learned from the source document.
Not everyone who wanders is necessarily lost (Tolkien 182).
Paraphrase: When you restate an idea from the source document using your own words.
In Lord of the Rings, Tolkien speaks about wandering adventurers who may seem lost, but instead are on a personal quest (182).
Quotation: When you use phrases or sentences exactly as they appear in the source document. Note the quotation marks.
J.R.R. Tolkien once wrote, “…not all those who wander are lost” (182).
The content for this module is drawn from the following sources:
Cabrillo College. (n.d.). Information literacy course in Canvas. https://cabrillo.instructure.com/courses/15592/modules.
The Ohio State University Libraries. (2015). Ethical use and citing sources. In Choosing & Using Sources: A Guide to Academic Research. The Ohio State University. https://ohiostate.pressbooks.pub/choosingsources/chapter/ethical-use-and-citing-sources/
University of Toledo University Libraries. (2020, March 13). Quality teaching & learning: Information literacy in Blackboard. https://libguides.utoledo.edu/QTL/blackboard
Vossler, J. (2016, February 25). Avoiding plagiarism. Vimeo. https://vimeo.com/156766635
Citation is a two part process:
This is what an in-text citation looks like in an essay:
Each time you refer to an author's work in the text of your paper (in-text citation), a corresponding full citation is made at the end of your paper, in the bibliography (called Works Cited in MLA and References in APA).
Works Cited list:
Many citation styles require bibliographies to be formatted using a hanging indent, an indent that indents all text except the first line.
Now it's your turn. Below is a quote from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, page 321.
Paraphrase this quote, provide a in-text citation, and a works cited / bibliography reference. Use the citation style of your choice. Citation information for the book can be found by clicking on the link on the book title.
All of the PALNI Information Literacy Modules are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.