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Organizational Leadership: Plagiarism

Research Helps

For help finding credible resources and for evaluating resources, do not hesitate to ask for help at the library.

  • Noelle Keller, MLS, Director of Library Services
  • Randy Neuman - Associate Director of Library Services (Also for Interlibrary Loans)    

Plagiarism Information

HU Student Handbook, Statement on Plagiarism

In writing papers, reports, and summaries for your University courses, you will be held responsible for knowing the difference between legitimate and illegitimate use of published source material.  Illegitimate use is called Plagiarism, and at Huntington University, the penalty of plagiarism may range from a grade of F on the work in question to failure of the course.  Intentional plagiarism is a much more serious offense than "unconscious" plagiarism, although the student is obligated to avoid both (p.39).

Definition of PLAGIARIZE

transitive verb

to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source

Sources to help avoid Plagiarism