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Interlibrary Loan

Who can request books, videos and other monographs?

Students and employees of Huntington University may request books, videos and other monographic material from Interlibrary Loan Services. Community patrons holding a RichLyn Library lending card may also submit an Interlibrary Loan request if they are in good standing. Community patrons will be subject to a lending charge if the item is only available out of state. Alumni patrons not residing in Huntington or surrounding communities are asked to use their local library to request books, videos and other monographic material through interlibrary loan.

Print books and videos can either be ordered from our consortia, Private Academic Library Network of Indiana (PALNI), using PALShare or nationwide through WorldShare.

If possible please use PALShare to order a book or video. This will route the request immediately to one of our consortial institutions allowing for quicker turnaround and better service to you. PALShare books are checked our for 60 days and videos are checked out for 14 days. There are no renewals on PALShare item.

If a book or video is not available through PALShare please use WorldShare to request an Interlibrary Loan.

PALShare Interlibrary Loan

After you have done a search in WorldCat Discovery, if our library does not own the item, but another PALNI library does, you can request it via PALShare.

Click on the title you wish to request to bring up the full bibliographic entry. To the right of the entry will be the green PALShare Request button. Click on that to make the request.

You will then need to sign in to you library account if you haven't already done that. To sign in use your HU username and password.

After you sign in (or click on the PALShare Request button if you have already signed in) a pop-up box will appear with the hold information. Make sure the Pickup Location says "RichLyn Library", we do not deliver to any other branch. Then click "Submit" if everything is correct and you wish to proceed with the request.

You should get a confirmation screen indicating the hold has been successful. The hold request will also be added to you account record. You can check the status of the hold request on your account record anytime.

When the hold is filled and the material is received at RichLyn Library you will get an email notice that a hold is waiting for you. To pick up the hold stop by the RichLyn Library Service Desk and tell the attendant that you have a PALShare waiting for you. 

WorldShare Interlibrary Loan

To request an item that is not owned by RichLyn Library or by a PALNI library click on the title of the item. When the item information appears you will see a box to the right that indicates "Access Options". Under that will be a button that says "Request item through Interlibrary Loan". Click on the button.

A form will appear to request the item. You must fill in all areas with an asterisk (*).  

Special Notes:

  • Needed Before - Most physical items take 1 to 3 weeks to arrive. Do not supply a Needed Before date that is less than a week ahead.
  • Amount Willing to Pay - If you do not fill it in a maximum cost of $0.00 is entered and will only be ordered from libraries that lend for free (which covers most Indiana libraries except IU Medical). If you wish to pay please not that libraries that charge a fee (usually major universities outside of Indiana) charge between $11 and $25 for articles and $15 and $30 for books and other monographs.
  • Barcode - This is the number on the back of you ID card. It will start with 2305.... Please make sure it is correct or there may be a delay in ordering the material.

After you click on Submit at the bottom of the form a confirmation screen will appear:

A hold will be added to your library account. You may check on the status of the request by logging into you library account.

When the item is received by RichLyn Library it will be immediately checked out to you and you will be notified that the item is on the hold shelf. You may stop by the RichLyn Library Service Desk to pick up the item. Please notify the library if you no longer need the item. Since the item is checked out to you upon receipt charges may occur even if you do not pick up the item.

Book Request Form